About Us >Marketing Consultancy Office (Rehabilitation)

The Social Welfare Department ("SWD") and rehabilitation organisations always strive hard to provide rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities to help them develop their potentials for moving towards self-reliance and integrating into the community. Vocational training in actual working environment is also provided for persons with disabilities to prepare them for future open employment.
Over the years, the Marketing Consultancy Office (Rehabilitation) ["MCO(R)"] of SWD has promoted the work abilities of persons with disabilities through various publicity progammes with a view to enabling companies and organisations in both public and private sectors to understand and recognise their abilities. It is hoped that more work and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities could be generated, and their abilities and self-confidence would be further enhanced.
Core Competencies
- To assist non-governmental organisations in setting up social enterprises under the "Enhancing Employment of People with Disabilities through Small Enterprise Project" for sustainable employment opportunities for persons with disabilities;
- To support social enterprises set up under the "Enhancing Employment of People with Disabilities through Small Enterprise Project";
- To enhance public understanding and acceptance of the work abilities of persons with disabilities, and facilitate the public to adopt their products and services through "Let Them Shine" brand
Relevant Advisory Committee