About Us >“Enhancing Employment of People with Disabilities through Small Enterprise” Project

“Enhancing Employment of People with Disabilities through Small Enterprise” Project


  • To enhance the employment of persons with disabilities through market-driven approach and direct creation of more work opportunities.
  • To support the creation of small enterprises/businesses through the payment of grants as seed money to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to ensure people with disabilities can enjoy genuine employment in a carefully planned and sympathetic working environment.
Guiding principle
  • The number of persons with disabilities employed for the Business should be as many as possible but in any case not less than 50% of the total number of persons on the payroll for the Business.
  • For the employees, a proper employer-employee relationship such as the entitlement to the normal employment benefits as defined under the Employment Ordinance, Minimum Wage Ordinance, etc. is required.
Who are eligible to apply
  • Bona-fide charitable NGOs with their own distinct legal entities authorised to carry out business activities in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
  • With tax-exempted status under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112)
  • Applicants not receiving subventions from the Social Welfare Department should have active engagement in welfare and charitable activities for at least two years before submission of the application, relevant documentary proof of which should be submitted with the application.
Form of funding support
  • A non-recurrent grant to the grantee.
  • To assist the grantee to pay the necessary set-up cost in respect of equipment, fitting-out works, etc. and/or the operating loss for the initial period up to three years.
  • The level of support will be determined by the Assessment Panel with reference to the applicant’s projections submitted and any other factors deemed appropriate.
  • The maximum amount of a grant is $3 million per application.
Guide to Application and Application Form
Sample of Reference
The list of frequently asked questions is available here.
The list of supported projects (as at 19.2.2025) is available here.
Other Information